The Green Fan

One apartment. Five roommates. Countless stories.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Midnight Phone Calls

When you are in college, there seems to be no phone protocol. There is no time that is considered too late to call. Too early, maybe. Too late, nope. Five girls in one apartment - with one phone line - we got many late calls. Most of them were from Joe, who was somewhat of a mystery to us. He was Karleen's friend - boyfriend? - and he lived in a different time zone, and he seemed to party pretty hard. My favorite call from Joe was when he called from Florida because he was lost and couldn't find his hotel and wanted to see if Karleen could help him out. (All his late calls are forgiven, since he is now Karleen's husband.) My absolute favorite late phone call story is when Stuart (my boyfriend at the time, now my husband) called for me and Mary Beth answered the phone. Well, Mary Beth answered FIRST, followed by Karleen, who woke me up. The funny part is that Mary Beth was asleep, and in her half-woken state, she had quite the conversation with Stuart. She told him she loved him. Several times, apparantly, until Karleen interrupted with a stern, "I'll get Sheila now!" and Mary Beth signed off. I didn't learn of the love talk until the next morning in the kitchen, where we were all making breakfast and packing lunches. Mary Beth was in the middle of slicing bread with a large knife, and she says to me, "You know, Sheila, I think I told Stuart I loved him last night! Isn't that funny?" All this time, she is gesturing with the knife in her hand. I thought it was pretty funny - you'd have to know Mary Beth, and you'd know she's just not the boyfriend stealer type. Karleen, however, was all seriousness, furiously making her sandwich, not looking at me. I think she thought I would be pretty upset. Well, I thought the whole thing was pretty funny, and we all had a good laugh. Later that day, when I saw Stuart, he tells me "Mary Beth told me she loved me last night. Was she asleep?" See, even all the guys knew Mary Beth was no boyfriend stealer. This is one of our favorite stories - Stuart and I tell it frequently, and Sherry and I always remember it when we are together. The really ironic thing is this: I don't even remember what we talked about on the phone! I have no idea what was so important to warrant a late night call that woke all of us up.


At September 10, 2004 at 10:15 PM, Blogger KMJ said...

Ahahahahaha!!!! This is HYSTERICAL. P.S. I love you too, Stu! (hehe)

At September 12, 2004 at 12:05 AM, Blogger Montana Sherry C said...

You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for Stu...


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